That was liberating.
Looking back, I realize how much of myself I had sacrificed in that relationship—always trying to measure up to impossible standards, always hoping my love would be enough. But love isn’t about earning someone’s approval or proving your worth. It’s about mutual respect, appreciation, and being valued for who you are, not what you can provide.
I’ve started focusing on myself—rebuilding the parts of me that I had neglected during our marriage. I’ve reconnected with old friends, taken up hobbies I’d abandoned, and even started traveling alone.
Every day, I remind myself that I deserve a partner who loves me unconditionally, not one who hides me out of embarrassment or discontent. I know now that leaving wasn’t just the best decision for me; it was necessary for my happiness.
And if there’s one thing I’ve learned from all of this, it’s that sometimes, letting go is the greatest act of self-love.
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