You are absolutely not wrong to walk away from Andrew.
He didn’t just embarrass you—he showed a complete lack of respect for you as a person. A “joke” that humiliates someone in public, puts them in a financial crisis, and turns them into a punchline for his parents isn’t funny. It’s cruel.
This wasn’t just a bad date; it was a giant red flag about how he sees you and relationships in general. He clearly values his ego and proving a point more than your feelings or dignity. And the fact that he kept trying to justify it instead of offering a genuine, remorseful apology says everything you need to know.
As for your friend Kara? Her advice is awful. Money might make life easier, but it doesn’t erase emotional wounds. Being in a relationship where someone belittles you—even if they pay for things—will never be worth it.
You made the right choice. Trust yourself. 🚩
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